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teclado yamaha psr-550 floppy disk con eliminador

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teclado yamaha psr-550 floppy disk con eliminador

24hrd solo nosotros te damos: factura y garantÍa de 1 aÑo en mÉxico no arriesgues tu dinero comprando en el mercado informal, que nos perjudica a todos teclado yamaha psr-550 floppy disk a great entry level keyboard without any compromise on sound quality. the psr550 features a touch sensitive 61 note full size keyboard, 219 panel voices including sweet! and cool! voices, a selection of drum kits and 480 xg voices. with 112 styles including user programmable style memories, a 16 track sequencer, 128 registration memories, floppy disk drive, midi in/out and to host connector, pitch bend wheel and 32 note polyphony, the psr550 is recommended as a powerful entry machine with style file compatibility for unlimited creativity. the psr-550 replaces the previous psr540. refer to the psr540 review for further details, the review below highlights some of the differences in the new unit. music data base: this is a new feature brought down from the upper line psr models. there are over 200 songs to choose from. the music database makes the psr-550 more versitile for just press the music database function button and choose a song as you would a style or voice by scrolling with the data wheel or the numeric keypad. the songs are arranged in categories such as; pop hits, swing&jazz, hip hop/house, rock, and many more.
when you select a song the whole keyboard adjusts to the particular style giving you the solo voices and registration setting as well. some of the voices match very well and some are ok. but you are not limited to what the board choose for the song. you can select your own voices if you do not like the default settings. sounds: there are 219 panel voices plus the xg sound set which is 400+ voices. they range from very good to ok. what bothers me is that yamaha still hasnt put a decent slap bass on the psr line.
it sounds way too digital however, the sounds are a big improvment over the 540. some new sounds have been added and the rest have been cleaned up. the 550 now has 8mbs dedicated to the sounds. although they claim the 8mbs is more than twice that of the 540, this isnt really true.
the 540 was advertised with 6mbs. i also talked to a yamaha tech who confirmed that the 540 was 6mbs. they really only added an additional 2mbs to the sound quality. if the wave rom was more than doubled as advertised, there would be over 12mbs in the 550. however, the extra mbs added to the 550 made a world of difference too.
the sounds are cleaner, and brighter as ! well. they have much more depth and realism to them. some new sounds have been added. the 540 only had one sweet voice which was the sweet trumpet. the 550 adds the sweet tenor, sweet flute, and the cool electric guitar. a few new guitar voices have also been added like several folk guitars with picking effects added to them. the cool electric is awsome! sounds very realistic. the sweet flute blew me away..... when you press the key harder, you activate the velocity curve and it gives you the hard blow of a flute.
its quite nice.
many of the sounds have been carried over, but they have also been cleaned up. manejamos toda la lÍnea yamaha, puedes recoger personalmente en nuestras oficinas en el w.t.c, en ocasiones y dependiendo de nuestro inventario, es necesario que hagas un deposito del 20% y vengas por tu producto al dia siguiente hÁbil por la tarde solo nosotros te damos: factura y garantÍa de 1 aÑo en mÉxico no arriesgues tu dinero comprando en el mercado informal, que nos perjudica a todos otras grandes ofertas de compusales de mexico

Pregunta de Teclados
veo que me respondiÓ muy rapido, muchas gracias, cuanto serÍa el envio hasta comitÁn chiapas, con todo y seguro pues necesito que llegue en perfectas condiciones. y una Última pregunta, a este organo se le pueden poner diskets con sonidos del tipo midi?. gracias. , este producto-servicio de teclado yamaha psr-550 floppy disk con eliminador que tal? el envio con seguro cuesta $399 y este mdelo si teien entrada para diskets para meterle secuencias y todo tipo de informacion midi, tambien tiene entrada midi y mucho mas, es una maravilla, oferta cuanto antes que es el ultimo. saludos
Pregunta de Teclados
buenas tardes, soy nuevo en esto, jamÁs he tocado ningÚn instrumento como estos, ahora bien, lo necesito para un restaurant de aproximadamente 10 metros de ancho por 8 metros de largo, o sea es un lugar chico, sin embargo, quiero saber si este organo puedo conectarlo a un amplificador yamaha, si es asÍ, cual serÍa el Último precio de este instrumento. por otro lado, tiene garantÍa?, de cuanto tiempo y como lo harÍa valida?. gracias por responder. , este producto-servicio de teclado yamaha psr-550 floppy disk con eliminador que tal? este modelo es ideal para nivel profesional como comentas, y claro que lo puedes conetar a cualquier ampli o sistema de audio, el precio es fijo y la garantia en en todo mexico con yamaha de mexico . saludos compusales de mexico

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