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Music An Appreciation. X Roger Kamien. Second Brief Edition.

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Music An Appreciation. X Roger Kamien. Second Brief Edition.

music an appreciation. autor: roger kamien. second brief edition. roger kamien was born in paris in 1934 and was brought to the united status at the age of six months. he received his b.a., in music from princeton college in new york, and his m.a.
and ph. d. in musicology from princeton univesite.
during 1957-1959, he returned to paris as a fulbright scholar, for research on eighteenth-century music. professor kamien taught music, history, theory, and literature for two years are humnter college and then for twenty years al queens college of the city university of new york, where he was coordinator of the music appreciation courses. during this time he was also active as a pianist, appearing both in the united states and in europe.
in 1983, he was appointed to the zubin mehta chair of musicology at the hebrew university of jerusalem. in addition to music: an appreciation, dr. kamien is the editor of the norton scores and one od the coauthors of a new approach it keyboard harmony. he was also written articles and review a for journals including music forum, beethoven forum, musical quarterly, journal of music theory, and journal of the american musicological society. in recent years, he was formed a two-piano team with his wife, anita karien?who has also contributed in many ways to music: appreciation. the kamiens have three children. ancho del lomo.- 1 ½ cm. ancho de la portada.- 18 ½ cm. largo de la portada.- 23 cm. paginas.- 405 editado en el año.-1994. precio.- $ 90.00 mas costo por envió. incluye 6 casettes nuevos cerrados ¡¡aproveche su envió!! usted puede comprar uno, o dos o tres o mas libros y pagar el mismo precio del envió de un libro, ¡envié los otros dos o tres o mas libros gratis! (Únicamente a la republica mexicana). este libro se encuentra en excelentes condiciones, aparte contiene dos paquetes con 3 cassettes cada uno cerrados. si usted es amante de la buena literatura lo invito a que pase a ver mis libros de mi biblioteca personal, si busca algun autor o libro se lo checare o a su vez tratar de conseguiselo.
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