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oakley originales con bluetooth

Lentes. Precio $4000

Excelentes servicios. Navega y confia en ventas y subastas.

oakley originales con bluetooth to order by phone, call: 1.800.431.1439 view large view large view large razrwire? price: $ 295100% satisfaction guaranteed usually ships in 24 hours price: $ 295100% satisfaction guaranteed usually ships in 24 hours price: $ 295100% satisfaction guaranteed usually ships in 24 hoursselect a color:platinum/gold iridium/rootbeer (98678h)pewter/black iridium/black (98677h)mercury/light grey/mercury (98679h) quantity: 123456789 quantity: 123456789 quantity: 123456789 outside the united states? outside the united states? outside the united states? high definition optics® (hdo®) combines patented optics and plutonite® lens material that provides 100% uv filtering and unsurpassed impact protection.razrwire? is the first eyewear to combine patented oakley optics with motorola wireless bluetooth® technology. a wearable link to your cellular phone*, razrwire? offers the freedom of mobile hands-free communication. the integrated design frees you from cumbersome wires, allowing you to quickly answer and place calls with the touch of a button.razrwire? lets you take advantage of patented optical technology while enjoying the complete freedom to communicate without being tethered to a cellular phone.
you get the comfort, protection and clarity of oakley eyewear combined with third-generation motorola bluetooth technology.with razrwire?, a hands-free link to your cellular phone is always at the ready, and there?s no need to remove it between calls like a clumsy headset. the technology you need is part of something you?re already wearing. razrwire? is science wrapped in art that turns wireless mobility into fashion. prescription-ready design lets you customize it with corrective lenses.learn more about razrwire? or visit the motorola website for more information.*razrwire? requires a cellular phone that supports the bluetooth handsfree profile or bluetooth headset profile.
consult your phone manual or contact your cellular phone dealer for more information.razrwire downloads:razrwire quick reference guide in english (619 kb) high definition optics® (hdo®) combines patented optics and plutonite® lens material that provides 100% uv filtering and unsurpassed impact protection.razrwire? is the first eyewear to combine patented oakley optics with motorola wireless bluetooth® technology. a wearable link to your cellular phone*, razrwire? offers the freedom of mobile hands-free communication. the integrated design frees you from cumbersome wires, allowing you to quickly answer and place calls with the touch of a button.razrwire? lets you take advantage of patented optical technology while enjoying the complete freedom to communicate without being tethered to a cellular phone.
you get the comfort, protection and clarity of oakley eyewear combined with third-generation motorola bluetooth technology.with razrwire?, a hands-free link to your cellular phone is always at the ready, and there?s no need to remove it between calls like a clumsy headset. the technology you need is part of something you?re already wearing. razrwire? is science wrapped in art that turns wireless mobility into fashion. prescription-ready design lets you customize it with corrective lenses.learn more about razrwire? or visit the motorola website for more information.*razrwire? requires a cellular phone that supports the bluetooth handsfree profile or bluetooth headset profile.
consult your phone manual or contact your cellular phone dealer for more information.razrwire downloads:razrwire quick reference guide in english (619 kb) high definition optics® (hdo®) combines patented optics and plutonite® lens material that provides 100% uv filtering and unsurpassed impact protection.razrwire? is the first eyewear to combine patented oakley optics with motorola wireless bluetooth® technology. a wearable link to your cellular phone*, razrwire? offers the freedom of mobile hands-free communication. the integrated design frees you from cumbersome wires, allowing you to quickly answer and place calls with the touch of a button.razrwire? lets you take advantage of patented optical technology while enjoying the complete freedom to communicate without being tethered to a cellular phone.
you get the comfort, protection and clarity of oakley eyewear combined with third-generation motorola bluetooth technology.with razrwire?, a hands-free link to your cellular phone is always at the ready, and there?s no need to remove it between calls like a clumsy headset. the technology you need is part of something you?re already wearing. razrwire? is science wrapped in art that turns wireless mobility into fashion. prescription-ready design lets you customize it with corrective lenses.learn more about razrwire? or visit the motorola website for more information.*razrwire? requires a cellular phone that supports the bluetooth handsfree profile or bluetooth headset profile.
consult your phone manual or contact your cellular phone dealer for more information.razrwire downloads:razrwire quick reference guide in english (619 kb) que esperas llebate estos padrisimos lentes simplemente lo mejor!!!!!!! son nuevos solo se sacaron de su empaque para traerlos a mexico se entrega lentes color gris manos libres bluetooh a y cargador de casa.
solo ofertas serias y suerte esta en una subasta sin precio de reserva y tu les pones el precio. pues aqui en mexico los encontraras arriba de 4000.00 pesos

Pregunta de Lentes
que tal tienen papeles?, manual, certificado, etc. factura? caja? gracias.saludos. , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth se entregan lentes. blutooth. la tradicional bolsa de oakley. cargador. el manual lo puedes bajar de la web y cualquier persona que le guste lo bueno veera que son originales. saludos
Pregunta de Lentes
hola! puedo conectar los lentes a un v3 de motorola???, me interesa sabar pues ya oferte por tus lentes, de igual forma me gustarìa saber si se encuentran en buen estado. gracias.. , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth si se pueden conectar a un v3. estan nuevos sin estuche en su bolsita original. saludos
Pregunta de Lentes
de que otra manera se puede realizar el pago. gracias , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth solo acepto depocito o transferencia bancaria. saludos
Pregunta de Lentes
hola de nuevo. ok checa si jala con mi z600, cuanto es el envio al df por ups? saludos. , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth ok deja y checo, los envios solo son por estafeta pues me dan muy buen servicio. saludos
Pregunta de Lentes
cierra la oferta te deposito manana a primera hora mandame tus datos a mi mail mmmmmmmm gl este espacio fue editado por grandes ofertas en esta sección no se permite incluir datos personales ni incurrir en excesos verbales. si tienes alguna duda visita la sección de , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth gracias brian pero no puedo cerrar le faltan 6 dias y la verdad es muy poca tu oferta espero mas que eso. pero igual si al final tu oferta es la mas alta son tuyos. saludos
Pregunta de Lentes
hola me interesa tu producto, solo unas preguntas. funciona con cual quier celular que tenga bluetooth? tengo un sony ericcson z600. por que en la tienda me dijeron que solo eran para el v3. saludos. , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth el bluetooth es motorola y se supone que deven de jalarcon todos los tel bluetooth. no importando la marca. yo ya lo cale pero con un mpx220 pero deja y checo para ver si encuentro informacion. saludos
Pregunta de Lentes
hola: oye cuanto quieres por ellos para que finalice la subasta, o te vas a esperar a que acabe. saludos , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth la verdad pues ya los puse en subasta y me gusta respetar las mismas. pero tu oferta estan mas bonitos en fisico que en foto. y estos aqui en mexico solo los encuentras en tiendas de prestigio y ya sabras lo que costaran, si directo valen 300 dollares mas envio. has cuentas. saludos
Pregunta de Lentes
oye crees tener mas pronto-??? y me puedes conseguir los de mp3-??? gracias , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth no estos son los unicos que me llegaron y tendre en subasta. saludos
Pregunta de Lentes
el auricular se puede colocar en ambos oidos o solo del lado izq? saludos , este producto-servicio de oakley originales con bluetooth si solo giras la base yla bosina y listo. saludos

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